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Kevin Dye Bodybuilder Biography
Kevin Dye High Intensity Training Bodybuilder
Growing up sickly and underweight, before I hit my teens I embraced exercise, which quickly became a crucial aspect of my life. I admired "muscles" as long as I recall. Gravitating towards characters such as Hercules, Tarzan, and the Hulk. Fortunately I came across Mike Mentzer and Heavy Duty in the early stages of lifting weights, shaping my appreciation for sensible, logical advice ... void of dogma. Mike was the best mentor I could have asked for. His impact on my life is endless.
Like Mike, I enjoy helping others grasp how simplistic workouts should be. Providing one applies themselves 100% to each set they perform, which demands a brief routine, then progress should--and will--be like night following day. Saving your joints from excessive wear and tear, ensures longevity. Over-use, from excessive sets and workouts, has ruined many trainees lives...even numerous champs. A little Heavy Duty goes a long way. That's how the human body was designed. Through my writings, I try to uphold Mike's teachings (and legacy), in the hopes I can inspire others as Mike inspired me.
Closing in on 47 years of Heavy Duty, I continue to see progress every time I step in my gym. That's testimony to the validity of Mike's methods. And shows what's possible, when you keep things simplistic, and hone down as you advance. I wish everyone had the mentor I did in, arguably, bodybuilding's golden age. My aim, in my articles and book, has been to at least entice one trainee to adopt Mike's methods, and train logically towards their genetic potential.
Books by Kevin Dye
Heavy Duty Memioir By Kevin Dye
With nearly five decades of Heavy Duty training, and Master Trainer qualifications, this represents the development of my teachings from legendary Mike Mentzer. I've tweaked Mike's methods to my current application, which is proven to build muscle as fast as your genetics will allow. Buy Heavy Duty Memioir Now!
Articles by Kevin Dye
Gains Anyone?
Trigger Point Success!
The Hare and the Tortoise
My Magnificent Obsession
Personalisation; the Surest Path to Gains
Weight Training And The Individual
Mike Mentzer's Influence On My Life
Overlap - The Inevitable Factor
My Fastest Gains
Rest and Recovery, The Red-Headed Stepchild
If you have any questions or comments, please email us.
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