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Training To Failure
Crossing The Point Of Failure In High Intensity Training
If you really want to build muscle fast then forget Light Intensity Training & switch to High Intensity Training. You may find HIT Training challenging and difficult to start due to extra effort needed to reach the magic point or point of failure. However, the rewards are great in this method of training.
So when you are just starting the High Intensity Training regime you should keep the following points in mind as these will help you cross the point of muscle failure:
- Perform the exercises correctly; if you exert stress on your muscles at the wrong angles or use too much momentum to lift the weight you can damage your body, so safety must always be your priority.
Engage a partner or a friend to help you or hire a trainer. Everyone who does strength training knows the importance of a helper when it comes down to hitting the last rep. You get to a point where you just can’t gather enough strength to complete one last full rep and that’s when your spotter can jump in to help you just enough so that you can push one rep pas failure and inspire a deeper level of fatigue.
In H.I.T. Training you may find it hard at first to mentally and physically push yourself to your utter limits. Having a spotter on hand will also help in that they can push you and motivate you to reach a number of reps you didn’t even know you were capable of.
Close your eyes, relax your face, and literally focus on the muscles you are targeting during the exercise. It’s too easy to get distracted by all the people walking around the gym which can ruin your ability to truly reach your failing point. By closing your eyes, and maybe even wearing ear plugs, you erase 2 distracting stimuluses so that you can focus 100% on the exercise. By focusing on relaxing your face as well, you take the distracting tension out of the muscles of your face, and let only the tension of the muscle being trained occupy your efforts.
When you reach your absolute failure point, try taking off a few weights and going another few reps until your reach failure for a second time. At the final rep of an 8-12 rep exercise, you’ve pretty much pushed your muscles to where the weight you’ve just lifted is too much in it’s fatigued stage. so to push your muscles into an even deeper level of fatigue, do the same immediately after(with practically no break) using a little less weight. Doing a few more reps after you are completely drained will work wonders for muscle building.
The magic point of failure is what high intensity training is all about. Remember these few techniques during your next hit training workout and see if they don’t help blast your muscles to levels of fatigue you didn’t even know you were capable of reaching.
If you have any questions or comments, please email us.
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